National Day of Unplugging - slowing down life
"Can you take the unplug challenge and put down your cell phone, sign out of email, stop your Facebook and Twitter updates? For 24 hours, starting at sundown Friday March 4, 2011, people across the nation will reclaim time, slow down their lives and reconnect with friends, family, the community and themselves."
The ten principles of the NDU are:
1. Avoiding technology
2. Connecting with loved ones
3. Nurturing your health
4. Getting outside
5. Avoiding commerce
6. Lighting candles
7. Drinking wine (I'm sold.)
8. Eating bread (perhaps homemade?)
9. Finding silence
10. Giving back
In this particular case, we will take the challenge of disconnecting our selfs from the phones and computers that make our lives so busy and enjoy a beautiful 24hrs of breathtaking landscapes amongst the old and wise trees of the British wilderness.
From sundown to sundown it is strictly forbidden the use of any electronic device, including:
- Mobile Phones
- iPods or any other sort of mp3 players
- Watches
- Flashlights
We will take only 1 mobile phone that will be turned OFF for the entire trip, ONLY to be used in case of an emergency.
ONE disposable camera will be taken to record our experience, together with a diary that we are all going to write our thoughts whenever we feel like it.
The main goal of this adventure is to connect with Mother Earth and OUR SELFS having loads of fun above it all.
Peace and Love to US all.
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